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When and Where
  • 8/7/2024 5:00 AM PDT
  • 8/7/2024 9:00 AM PDT
  • ASNT Online
  • Virtual
  • TX

Learning Event: Instructor-Led Training, Virtual [held on Zoom]

Format: 4-hour course, 8:00am-12:00pm EST

Dates: 7 August 2024

Contact Hours: 4


Valid for ASNT Level III recertification: Yes

Exclusive Pilot Pricing

  • Member: $100
  • Nonmember: $200

ASNT members receive member pricing on course registration. To receive member pricing, you must join/renew prior to registering for a class.

Instructor: Phil Trach

Course Description: 

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, NDT technicians play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, quality, and reliability of critical structures and components. This 4-hour course is specifically designed to equip NDT technicians of any level with the ethical knowledge and decision-making skills necessary to navigate the complex moral dilemmas often encountered in their profession. 

Course participants will engage in a dynamic learning experience that combines instructor-led theoretical exploration with hands-on case study workshops. This unique approach will enable NDT technicians to not only understand the fundamental principles of ethics but also apply them to real-world scenarios encountered in their day-to-day work. 

By the end of this Ethics and NDT course, NDT technicians will possess a deep understanding of ethical principles and their application to real-world NDT scenarios. Armed with this knowledge, participants will be better equipped to make informed, ethically sound decisions that contribute to the safety, reliability, and professionalism of the NDT field. 

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast concepts surrounding ethics, morals, and values, and how they impact individual’s behavior 
  • Explain how reputation and ethics within the NDT industry are inter-connected and the implications that unethical behavior can have 
  • Identify why NDT professionals must act ethically, understand practical ways to implement ethical behavior, and apply ways to address ethical concerns within the workplace 
  • Apply techniques learned within the course to scenarios surrounding ethical challenges 

Questions? Contact the Education Department at education@asnt.org